Up Collective


Ben and Jerry’s and The Entrepreunerial Refugee Network (TERN) joined together with a vision to help refugees reimagine their employment opportunities. They created a community and programme that enables refugee and migrant entrepreneurs to take their first steps, turning their ideas into real businesses and non-profits.

My role was to develop a new name and brand identity for their next stage of growth.

We landed with the name Up Collective, to represent a community joining together to unlock better possibility.

The visual brand concept is based on the familiar community notice board we all see, showing the mix of diverse talent that Up Collective work with. The notice board graphic works as a base for different illustration styles and photography to be applied, while looking consistent across brand applications.

I chose a bold and chunky heading typeface to get across Up Collective’s energy and positivity. This is paired with a serif supporting typeface, to add a professional, reliable feel.

Colours are a combination of bright and neutral tones, to represent every idea and personality Up Collective work with.

If you’d like a deeper dive through Up Collective’s work, you can visit their site here.

With Nice and Serious